Plateau of Chains - a novel of nuclear command and control by Captain George P. Sotos, USN (Retired)

A novel of technology in the US Navy, Plateau of Chains is the story of Captain John Lucas.

Lucas starts his career as a blue-water sailor, and is haunted by an episode at sea during World War II.

When the Cold War heats up, Lucas takes command of a secret underground command center under a Hawaiian pineapple field. Deep in the headquarters from which any future Pacific war would be fought, Lucas finds himself at the center of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

While the world watches events unfold at sea and above ground, Lucas and his command go throught the heart-pounding steps below ground that will lead to nuclear Armageddon. In Lucas's world, the Cuban Missile Crisis ends differently than in ours....

Thought provoking, compulsively page-turning, and brimming with a realism that could only result from having lived similar events, Captain George Sotos, USN (Ret.) is one of the few people in the world who could have written this book.

Plateau of Chains does for the technology of command and control what Tom Clancy did for the technology of weapon systems: it tells a riveting story that entertains and illuminates.

A great gift for Cold Warriors and Military Aficionados everywhere!

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